Sito cripergine (non ufficiale CRI)
25 January 2025, Saturday 06:29:39



Esercitazione ValSusa 2017

Cri ValSusa 2017

Sono 16 i volontari del gruppo CRI di Pergine che parteciperanno al campo provinciale in Valle di Susa.

La partenza avverrà in piena notte, verso le 3, contando di arrivare in Val di Susa verso le 9. Lì verrà montato il campo che ospiterà i circa 150 volontari del Comitato Provinciale del Trentino.

Verranno montate una ventina di tende pneumatiche, allestita la cucina da campo e il tendone mensa, tutto il necessario insomma per 4 giorni di formazione ed esercitazioni.

Il pomeriggio di Sabato 3 Giugno sarà la giornata dedicata alle attività dimostrative aperte al pubblico:

  • alle h. 17:30 al Polo Logistico di Bussolengo ci sarà l'inaugurazione della postazione "Salvavita" e dei nuovi mezzi di soccorso.
  • alle h. 18:30 alla Piazza del Mercato il campo sarà aperto al pubblico con momenti formativi sul primo soccorso e soccorsi speciali.

L’esercitazione #ValSusa2017, ospitata dal Comitato Locale di ValSusa, fruisce del patrocinio di Regione Piemonte, Città Metropolitana di Torino, Prefettura di Torino e dei Comuni di Bussoleno e Villarfocchiardo.

Qui potete vedere la locandina della manifestazione .

Informazioni aggiornate sul sito www.cri-susa.it o sulle pagine Facebook di Cri-ValSusa o Cri-Trentino.

CRI Day 2017

Trentino's Red Cross Comitee celebrates 2017 CRI Day (Red Cross and Raising Moon Movement celebration) at Pergine Valsugana on Saturday May 13rd, in Municipio and Fruet squares.

Each component of Trentino Red Cross are there for showing their activities to the public. There are lots of reasons to come and see us: 1st of all, we have some mass training on pulmonary resuscitation, or you are teached on pediatric accidents prevention. The agenda lists lots of activities starting from 10 o'clock to 18 o'clock.

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With Nepal at "Pedalata per la Vita"


Published on Apr 28, 2015

Donate to support vital Red Cross Red Crescent work in Nepal.

Published on May 2, 2015

Red Cross is helping the victims of the Nepal earthquake by sending clinics to remote areas.The staff and equipment of the Norwegian Red Cross hospital arrived to the town of Chartara on Saturday. Finnish Red Cross has sent the x-ray equipment to the hospital. A landslide that cut the road delayed the journey. On May 2th, 2015 the staff and equipment of the Canadian Red Cross hospital traveled to Dhunche by helicopters, because the road to the town was cut.

Published on May 6, 2015

In Dhunche, the Canadian Red Cross, in collaboration with the Philippine Red Cross and Hong Kong branch of the Red Cross Society of, China has set up a field hospital. The road to the town has been blocked and equipment for the hospital had to be carried in by helicopters from Kathmandu. In the village, high in the Himalayas, the hospital and many homes have been destroyed.

"Arts Against Gambling" Award

Our youth group produced a video about gambling dependence and it is one of prizewinning for "Arts Against Gambling" context organized by Co.Na.G.G.A (http://www.conagga.it/).

The prizegiving cerimony was in Cooperazione Room in Trento on 24th April 2015.

Here Italian playbill of the night!

Enjoy the video!

Aggiunta 27 aprile.

Tutte le opere premiate

e l'articolo del Trentino

1864 - 2014, 150 years of IRC

This year the Italian Red Cross is 150 years old.

We celebrate this great goal together with whole Trentino Italian Red Cross in CRI DAY 2014.

 Saturday May 3rd in Cesare Battisti place, in Trento.

Some stands present the activities of the association, voluntaries and facilities.


CRI Comitato Trento
CRI - Italian Red Cross
CRI Trentino

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